Atlanta Area OCDS
We meet once a month at St Peter Chanel Catholic Church, 11330 Woodstock Road, Roswell, GA. If you would like to visit our community, please first contact us for times and other important details.
(917) 853-3447 ~ Alice
(214) 425-1403 ~ Keith

We are called to live in allegiance to Jesus Christ as faithful members of the Church, in imitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and under her patronage, to seek union with God by way of contemplation and apostolic activity for service to the Church, to give particular importance to prayer and the Liturgy of the Church, to infuse prayer and life with apostolic zeal in imitation of Elijah, to live the evangelical counsels in the spirit of the Beatitudes, to give importance to the commitment to evangelization... faithful to our Teresian Carmelite identity. ~OCDS Constitutions
We are a community of Secular Order Discalced Carmelites with members located in and around Atlanta, Georgia. We began as a Study Group in 2004 and were canonically established at the Cathedral of Christ the King in Atlanta, GA on March 4, 2017. We exist to provide spiritual support for each other in living out the Teresian charism of contemplative prayer in union with God and in service to the Church, and for the formation of Roman Catholic lay people and diocesan clergy who are called to live a life of Carmelite spirituality in the world and within the context of a community.
February 24th
BLESSED JOSEFA NAVAL GIRBÉS, Virgin, - Optional Memorial
From the common of pastors, or of holy men (religious)
For the Liturgy of the Hours prayers of the day, substitute:
R/. Put into practice all that is true, all that deserves respect, all that is honest, pure, admirable and worthy of praise: * and the God of peace will be with you.
V/. Direct your thoughts wholly to what is decent and meritorious, * and the God of peace will be with you.
O God,
through the new leaven of the Gospel, you call men and women and empower them to serve you faithfully in secular life. Grant that they may fervently imitate the example of Blessed Josefa, and, through her intercession, work tirelessly as true Christians to build up your kingdom by fulfilling their duties in the world. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
God, forever and ever.