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The Brown Scapular

For centuries, devotion to Mary through the wearing of the Brown Scapular has been the cornerstone of the Discalced Carmelite Order's dedication to Mary and to a life of prayer lived in imitation of Mary. Carmelites wear the Brown Scapular as a reminder of our Blessed Mother's love, prayers and protection. Tradition tells us that the Scapular was presented by Mary to the English Carmelite, Saint Simon Stock, in 1251, as a sign of Mary's special love and protection for all Carmelites.


On the 750 the anniversary of the Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Pope John Paul II wrote to the entire Carmelite Family. He noted that two truths are evoked by the sign of the Scapular: (1) the constant protection of the Blessed Virgin, not only on life's journey, but also at the moment of passing into the fullness of eternal glory; and (2) the awareness that devotion to her cannot be limited to prayers and tributes in her honor on certain occasions, but must become a "habit," which is a permanent orientation of one's own Christian conduct woven of prayer and interior life, through frequent reception of the sacraments and the concrete practice of the spiritual and corporal works of mercy. The Scapular becomes a sign of the "covenant" and reciprocal communion between Mary and the faithful: translating Jesus' gift on the Cross of his Mother to John, and through him to all of us, and the entrustment of the beloved Apostle and of us to her, who became our Spiritual Mother.

February 24th
BLESSED JOSEFA NAVAL GIRBÉS, Virgin, - Optional Memorial

From the common of pastors, or of holy men (religious)

For the Liturgy of the Hours prayers of the day, substitute:

R/. Put into practice all that is true, all that deserves respect, all that is honest, pure, admirable and worthy of praise: * and the God of peace will be with you.

V/. Direct your thoughts wholly to what is decent and meritorious, * and the God of peace will be with you.


O God,

through the new leaven of the Gospel, you call men and women and empower them to serve you faithfully in secular life. Grant that they may fervently imitate the example of Blessed Josefa, and, through her intercession, work tirelessly as true Christians to build up your kingdom by fulfilling their duties in the world. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, 
 God, forever and ever.

©2025 by Atlanta OCDS - Secular Carmelites

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