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The Secular Discalced Carmelite Order

Carmelite History

         The Carmelite Order developed from a single community of hermits, who lived on Mount Carmel in Palestine in the early days of the thirteenth century. The Crusades had freed the Holy Land from Moslem hands and Christian pilgrims were free to visit the places of the Bible. Many of these hermits had been chaplains for the Christian armies from Western Europe.  Following the example of the prophet Elijah, a holy and solitary man closely associated with Mount Carmel, this small group of pilgrims, merchants, crusaders and soldiers were seeking to live a simple and solitary life in allegiance to Jesus Christ with the special patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This community of Western European Christians, called the Brothers of the Most Blessed Virgin of Mount Carmel, was given the Carmelite Rule of Life by St. Albert, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, between 1206 and 1214 AD. The Rule was approved by Pope Honorius III on January 30, 1226.  Due to developing hostilities from the Saracens in the Holy Land, around 1239 AD the hermits began migrating from Mount Carmel to begin establishing communities in various parts of Europe. In 1247 their rule of life now solemnly confirmed by the Holy See, was adapted to meet the needs of an Order spreading throughout Christendom. In the course of the second half of the thirteenth century, circumstances conspired to lead the Carmelites ever further from their hermit origins, and they finally became a mendicant order-- though their old way of life was not forgotten and never completely died out as it was ever present to them in their Rule. The mendicant Order sought to live a spirituality and exercise an apostolate that grew out of the community life they now lived.


Reform of the Carmelite Order

          In 1562, a Spanish Carmelite nun, known to us as St. Teresa of Avila, was assisted by another great Carmelite, St. John of the Cross, to establish a completely new branch of the Carmelite Order, the Discalced Carmelites. "Discalced" comes from a Latin word meaning "unshod." and they were so called because the most distinctive thing about their appearance was the fact that, as a sign of their more austere way of life, they wore the rope sandals of the poor in place of leather shoes. The Discalced Carmelites, both nuns and friars, aspired to a more ascetic and contemplative form of life in keeping with the spirit of the original thirteenth century rule.

          Thus it is that today there are two branches of the Carmelite family; the Ancient Observance (O. Carm.) and the Discalced (O.C.D.). In addition to those called to the priesthood or those called to the religious orders or congregations, each branch has its own Secular (or Third) Order.


About Secular Orders

          For many centuries there have been lay people and also some diocesan priests, who have felt drawn to associate themselves with a religious order. The monastic orders admit such men and women as Oblates, while the mendicant orders, following the example of St. Francis of Assisi, have instituted what are known today as "Secular Orders." The members of these secular orders are men and women, who wish to develop their spiritual life by a closer association with the spirituality of the religious order to which they are attracted. They may be married or single, but must be fully practicing the teachings of the Catholic Church.  The Secular Order of the Discalced Carmelites, as its Constitution states, welcomes those of the faithful who, by special vocation, undertake to live in the world an evangelical life of fraternal communion imbued by the spirit of contemplative prayer, in imitation of the Virgin Mary, and animated with apostolic zeal according to the example and the teaching of the Carmelite saints. Perhaps the best known of the Carmelite saints is St. Therese of Lisieux, the "Little Flower," who died in 1897.

           Our devotion to Mary, our Spiritual Mother, is woven with prayer into our daily lives as we attend Mass and receive Holy Communion frequently and practice the spiritual and corporal works of mercy. As members of the Carmelite family we share in the blessings bestowed on Carmel and share in the prayers of all the Carmelites throughout the world.  Being a Carmelite is not a spiritual pastime, it is a spiritual responsibility. The Teresian Carmelite charism is inspired by the Holy Spirit for building up of the Church, to the well-being of humanity and to the needs of the world. We are called to be an instrument leading to holiness in the Church, through fostering and promoting a more intimate unity between the everyday life of its members and their faith. We are guided by The Beatitudes in fulfilling our Promise to seek only the ways of God as we live our lives in His service.

February 24th
BLESSED JOSEFA NAVAL GIRBÉS, Virgin, - Optional Memorial

From the common of pastors, or of holy men (religious)

For the Liturgy of the Hours prayers of the day, substitute:

R/. Put into practice all that is true, all that deserves respect, all that is honest, pure, admirable and worthy of praise: * and the God of peace will be with you.

V/. Direct your thoughts wholly to what is decent and meritorious, * and the God of peace will be with you.


O God,

through the new leaven of the Gospel, you call men and women and empower them to serve you faithfully in secular life. Grant that they may fervently imitate the example of Blessed Josefa, and, through her intercession, work tirelessly as true Christians to build up your kingdom by fulfilling their duties in the world. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, 
 God, forever and ever.

©2025 by Atlanta OCDS - Secular Carmelites

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